
Köszönjük, hogy meglátogatta oldalunkat. Ha üzenetet szeretne hagyni, azt itt teheti meg.
2004.05.29. 15:59:57
Happy Holidays! I love your site. I'm spending the holidays on one of those las vegas vacations and guess what, I'm putting on my bridal shoes and having one of those classic las vegas weddings tomorrow. These las vegas vacation packages are great and the vegas hotels are incredible.
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2002.12.22. 02:02:07
To Londra and Jamie below. I think it's more of a Los Angeles plastic surgery thing then a general Califonria issue. I find that we have a lasik new york issue here. We have quite a few laser eye surgery new york converts. It's like people are afraid to wear glasses anymore. Oh well I love my fellow New Yorkers with or without glasses. Maybe you two should move to New York! speaking of moving do you know a good immigration attorney . Either I need to improve vocabulary or increase vocabulary because I can't communicate with my US immigration lawyer . none.
2002.12.18. 21:55:18
To Londra below (it is a down to earth site), I couldn’t agree more. I work in Los Angeles and there is a plastic surgeon in our building. In my office alone I know people who have had liposuction a tummy tuck and a face lift . I also know a lasik surgeon who tries to convince everyone he meets to throw out their glasses and get lasik and laser vision correction . People are so vain. Anyhow, let’s respect this guest book and commiserate about living in LA offline. Email me at none.
Jamie Yellowfeather
2002.12.15. 03:07:32
Thank you for producing such a down to earth site. I recently moved to Los Angeles California and can’t believe how many superficial people I have met. I think they should rename the state plastic surgery California or cosmetic surgery California . Excuse me for saying this but I have never seen so many breast implants . There are all kinds of breast enhancement surgery: breast enlargement breast augmentation even breast reduction it’s crazy. none.
Londra Clever
2002.12.14. 23:56:17
2002.12.03. 16:26:59
Firms located in 'neutral' Sweden supported the Nazis' financial and industrial leadership. Sweden's crucial role supplying Nazi Germany iron ore and military facilities. Especially notorious for their support to the Nazis were Wallenberg family, SEB bank and SKF factory. The Swedish government was responsible for the most iron ore that Nazis received. Kiruna-Gällivare ore fields in Northern Sweden were all important to Nazi Germany. These heavy deliveries of iron ore and military facilities from Sweden to Nazi Germany lengthened World War II. Casualties of the war has been estimated at 20 million killed in Europe. How many of them died due to Sweden's material support to Nazi Germany? Gerard Aalders and Cees Wiebes The Art of Cloaking Ownership: The Secret Collaboration and Protection of the German War Industry by the Neutrals: The Case of Sweden.
2002.12.03. 11:00:39
Hey! Nice site.
Teresa James
2002.11.27. 09:08:47
Sziasztok! Jó a honlap, egyszerű és informatív! Lenne egy kérésem. Ha valaki ismerné Kocsis Ivett szentesi kézilabdás hölgyet, az írjon már ide vagy az emil címemre. Sajnos nem tudom,hol lehet elérni. Köszi!
Mészáros János
2002.11.13. 00:44:43
Hi to you and your guests. Having just had lasik eye surgery I can see what a great job you've done here. I recommend laser eye surgery to anyone. I swear by laser surgery and/or lasik surgery if you need that. I thought you'd like a little verbal communication on this point. Great job!!! none.
Cynthia Lasik
2002.10.15. 08:38:48
Hi there. I'm a developer for las vegas golf resorts and las vegas casinos websites. I guess internet casino gambling and golf is my specialty. Just wanted to say I like what you did with your site. You did a great job. none.
Teresa James
2002.10.11. 05:48:16
Hey there. I research home equity loans regarding mortgage financing headaches. Home equity loans work even if you have a second mortgage or no home equity . You can even do some debt consolidation too. none.
Stacey Wales
2002.09.16. 05:46:06
Hello! Amy Catering San Diego California. Thank you for letting me sign your guestbook and thank you for your website. Glad you are here. none.
2002.09.15. 00:48:25
Hi Everybody. Wish I did your graphics. Great work. I found you at a free dating service site for adult personals believe it or not. One of the personal ads at the dating service referred to your site as a favorite. Amazing what you can find doing online dating huh? Email me if you want at none.
2002.09.11. 21:51:59
Very nice site. I think I can spruce up the writing though. I write professionally and web content writing is part of what I do. I also write business letters and comedy . Feel free to visit my website.
Freelance Writer
2002.09.05. 20:16:20
Hello my name is Cisco. English language is my second language . I visit sites like yours to learn new english vocabulary words and improve my english grammar . I hope to have effective communication and business communication for a new job in US. I learned a new word of the day from your site. I plan to be public speaking and business writing better now from your site. Thank you. none.
2002.09.05. 11:44:43
Hi! I was just passing through your site and thought I'd mention that I specialize in cheap international flights. If you international flights with low fares are something you are looking for, email me at
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2002.09.04. 10:33:25
My name is Edmund Marco and it's a pleasure to sign your guest book. I work for an advertising agency in London. Our agency represents direct marketing companies that are involved in the marketing of products as seen on TV in England. Most of the infomercial products come from the U.S. but then again we export our talents as well. My brother has appeared in infomercials in the U.S. advertising various products. I think it's hilarious that English people respond so well to American products while Americans tend to respond well to sales people who have an English accent! none.
2002.06.03. 12:21:38
igazán beszerezhetnétek a műveimet, túl híres vagyok hogy mellőzzetek.
Bret Easton Ellis
2002.04.10. 11:48:25
Szép a lap. A design is és a tartalom is jó.
2002.02.18. 21:34:11
Talán mégis kissé drága az INET használat a könyvtárban, bár levelezésre jó ! Sziasztok!
Staberecz László
2001.02.16. 20:46:32
Sziasztok!Udvozlok mindenkit! Remelem jol vagytok!Peter
Kürti Péter
2001.01.22. 10:10:32
Nem annyira tetszetős ez a honlap, hogy folyton itt írkáljak csak unatkozok.Ami tetszik ebben a honlapban, hogy nincsen tele idegesítő hibákkal.Majd még írok legyen változatosabb ez a vendégkönyv!Viszontlátásra!
Szalkai István
2000.05.10. 12:33:21
Szia Móni!Tényleg egész cool a honlapotok!
2000.05.03. 14:43:58
Sokat vagyok a könyvtárban az iskola miatt...Nagyon szép az épület és minden nagyon tetszik.
Gergely Edina
2000.04.18. 22:14:26
Hello Moni,jo lett a weblap, gratulalok!
Wágner Róbert
2000.03.17. 23:00:06
Vissza a fõoldalra